Proudly West Australian

Thank you for visiting the website of the WA branch of the  Australian Homoeopathic Association (AHA). We are a proudly West Australian committee working to support the AHA. In 2022 we created an emblem to represent our branch, using the iconic Black Swan which we have often featured in our local publications:

This site was created by the branch to give members of the public and interested parties an overview of homoeopathy in Western Australia, as well as helpful links and resources for homoeopathic education and practice.  If you have any feedback or questions, please contact us at

The committee members of the AHA in WA are a small but active group of practitioners and general members dedicated to raising the profile of homoeopathy in this state.  Regular information days and seminars are hosted by the branch and individual members are active in the community conducting talks, interviews and activities to educate the public about this wonderful system of medicine.

For Members of the Public

For a list of WA practitioners registered with the AHA, please visit

For more detailed information about the AHA, homoeopathy in Australia and to find out ‘What Is Homoeopathy’, please visit the AHA National website

For Members of the AHA WA Branch

Go to the News and Events to see what seminars and events are planned and also to read reviews of past seminars.

For a list of WA practitioners registered with the AHA, please visit

The AHA nationally

The AHA is the largest and only national homoeopathic association dedicated solely to supporting Homoeopathy.  The AHA is run by professional homoeopaths in Australia, with branches throughout the country.  The AHA’s objectives are to promote homoeopathy and to provide services for our members.

The AHA represents professionals in Australia, and is a founding member of the International Council for Homoeopathy (ICH).  All Professional Members are registered with the Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH).

Origins:  The Australian Homoeopathic Association Inc (AHA) was formed in 1995 from the merger of the New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria/Tasmania branches of the Australian Federation of Homoeopaths, the Australian Society of Homoeopaths (Queensland), and the Oceanic Homoeopathic Research Foundation (Western Australia).  In 1997 further mergers were agreed with the Australian Federation of Homoeopaths in Queensland and in Western Australia.

AHA National Website:
