The AHA is an association run by homoeopaths for homoeopaths.  The WA branch is a small volunteer committee that works hard for all WA AHA members. There are always committee positions to fill and small jobs to be done and an extra voice or pair of hands is appreciated.  To get involved you can join the committee at our annual AGM. Please make contact if you are interested.

AHA WA Branch Committee 2023/2024

President Angela Pierce-Jones 0459376445
Vice President Emma Stanton  0407448664
Secretary Catherine Angel 0423636583
Treasurer Sally Moore 0407287637
National Council Rep Angela Pierce-Jones 0459376445
Social Co-ordinator, Newsletters Shared role
Committee members Jill Cubbit

Emma Stanton

Sharon Ralston

Pauline Kalbfell



Committee Meetings

When:       7 - 9pm Thursday (approx. every 5 - 6 weeks, meetings can be attended online)
Where:      Owen Homoeopathics 443 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe

Contact the Branch Secretary Catherine Angel  for details of the next meeting.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM is held at a designated date sometime in August/September each year. The AGM is usually held in conjunction with a Branch meeting on a Thursday evening. All Australian Homoeopathic Association (AHA) members are welcome to attend an AGM, but only financial professional members can vote on motions and nominate people to Branch committee positions.

Where: Owen Homoeopathics 443 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe 6104 (Entrance off Coolgardie Street).

AGM details will be listed on the website 4-6 weeks prior to the date. Remember to lodge your proxy if you can't be there - Make Your Vote Count!

‘Proxy Form’, ‘Nomination of Officer Bearer’s Form’ and ‘AGM Agenda’ will be sent out to all members about 4-6 weeks before AGM.

All Branch committee positions are vacated at each AGM.  We hope some of our newer members will consider joining the committee.  New people bring new and more varied ideas.

An invitation will be sent out via email to all professional members