The AHA has a Mentoring & Supervision Program which aims to introduce members to established practitioners for professional case work and practice management, providing support and ongoing professional development relationships.

When formally supervised and documented, sessions will be eligible for CPD points both for mentors and mentees. CPD opportunities assist with the ongoing requirements of ARoH registration.

These professional relationships can be invaluable both for new graduates as well as established practitioners. Members may participate in this program as a mentee, or become an endorsed and registered mentor or supervisor.

Western Australia currently has two approved and experienced AHA mentors; Madeleine Innocent and Dimple Kirpalani.


Madeleine Innocent

Madeleine studied homoeopathy with The Australian College of Hahnemannian Homœopathy and graduated in 2000. Since then she has been in full time practice, treating both people and animals. She has taught homoeopathy at local natural health colleges and teaches basic homoeopathic home prescribing skills online.

Although Madeleine describes herself as primarily a classical homoeopath  she uses different approaches according to the patient’s needs. She studies continuously and is familiar with the many different approaches to homoeopathic case taking, including Boenninghausen’s, Scholten’s and Sankaran’s methods. It is this diversity which she believes increases the success rate of any prescriber.

Madeleine is passionate about homoeopathy and wants to help students and new practitioners gain confidence and become excellent homoeopaths. She offers one-on-one confidential mentoring, support and study groups, dealing with a variety of issues from materia medica, philosophy to case studies.

“After I qualified, I found it hard on my own, so am keen to help others get over this difficult period.”

Madeleine’s clinic is in Millendon, situated in the Swan Valley.

For more information, you can contact Madeleine at:

Phone: 08 9296 0152


Dimple Kirpalani

Dimple has been mentoring in Perth, WA, for some years. She has a Bachelors degree in Homœopathy, Medicine and Surgery from India. After practising as an integrated physician for over 11 years in Ghana, West Africa, she moved to Perth in 2011 and has been practising in Australia since then.

Dimple has become a mentor because she feels that she was blessed with excellent teachers as a student and that her experience in the field has made her a richer and better homoeopath.

Different subjects are discussed in the mentoring sessions from practical aspects of case taking to the aspects of Organon and remedies from the Materia Medica. Frequently cases are used to illustrate the remedy discussed, if not from Dimple’s case files then from the Master’s of the past, whatever helps to clarify subtle points. The attendees are also encouraged to bring in any cases that they need help with and these are discussed in detail in some sessions.

Fees are $20 per person and the group sessions generally go on for two hours. They are held on Thursday mornings every fortnight at Healing Homeopathy in Aubin Grove and are face to face sessions.

Dimple is happy to mentor in any way she can, even via Skype or emails.

Dimple has been appointed as the liaison officer and Australian Course Co-ordinator by the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Greece. The Academy offers a 2 year e-learning course which has been recognised by the AROH. There is online mentoring on the first Thursday of every month from 4-6pm WST. Cost is $80 per session.  For details on the course contact

For any further details contact – Dimple Kirpalani
